Saturday, April 21, 2007


karma and dogma co-conspire
o inspire the justification
for naive rejection
of the broad common logic
stated then stricken
from the courtroom records

like a perfect parable
this story must come
to an imperfect ending
the structure of instruction
catalyzed the demolition
of the freestanding supports

tremulous swaying backed by
torrential downpours
pour down the remnants
of a fractured calendar
months fall apart
leaving days to flutter down

yet an unended novel
questioning all it ever could be
finds an epilogue to justice
in justifying everything
while two imperfect persons
play unaware in a desert

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Anonymous said...

as expected..u still write poem lagi ke? i suka bace

junkie smokie said...

anytime i rasa nak meletopp..well, that's why miss shal lyke me kan?